The editorial board of the scientific journal "BSU Bulletin" adheres to the principles of publication ethics accepted by the international scientific community and reflected, in particular, in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Scientific publication is a minimal act of printed scientific communication, which includes the main participants of the publication process - 1) Author; 2) Publisher; 3) Reviewer, 4) Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board and Editorial Board, 5) Reader.
Printed scientific communication is determined by the peculiarities of scientific activity and communication in the scientific sphere:
The need to publicize the results of scientific research for wide approbation by the scientific community;
strict prioritization of the scientific result evidenced by a scientific publication and the strict effect of copyright on the published text;
the relative multiplicity, potential supranationality and wide territorial distribution of the scientific community as a medium of communication, which implies the necessity and effectiveness of the printed form of communication in combination with Internet communication;
high requirements to the content and design of published scientific materials.
ISSN 1694-8122 (печатная версия)
ISSN 1694-8130 (электронная версия)
DOI DOI 10.35254/bhu
Вестник БГУ" индексируется РИНЦ ( ) - крупнейшей в России электронной библиотекой научных публикаций, обладающая богатыми возможностями поиска и анализа научной информации.Editor-in-Chief
Musaev A.I.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Murzakhmedova G.M.
Главный специалист редакционно-издательского отдела
Исмаилова К.С.
Toguzakov O.A. - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Abdrahmanov T.A. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Botokanova G.T - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Guseinova I.A. - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Russia)
Beishebaev R.S. - Doctor of historical sciences, associate professor.
Zhan Na - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (China)
Najiyeva F.S. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)
Koblandin K.I. - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (Kazakhstan)
Makhmudov E.A. - candidate of economic sciences, associate professor (Uzbekistan)
Iskenderova S.I. - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.
Sydykov A.N. - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.
Kozuev D.I. - доктор филологических наук, доцент
ДАУТОВ Я.У. - кандидат экономических наук, доцент
Savin V.E. - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
БОКОЕВА Э.Т. - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
АСАКЕЕВА Д.Ж. - доктор филологических наук, доцент
МУРАТАЛИЕВА М.А. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Asanova A.A. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor
МУСАЕВА Н.К. - кандидат психологических наук, доцент
Choguldurov M.D. - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
ЖАНАКУНОВА М.О. - кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент
СЫРГАБАЕВ С.Б. - кандидат социологических наук, доцент
СЕЙИТБАЕВ Б.Т. - candidate of political sciences, associate professor
Sadyralieva G.E. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
АБДЫРАКУНОВА Ж.С. - кандидат педагогических наук
Requirements for articles:The editorial board accepts articles typed in WinWord, articles should be submitted electronically. Illustrations (figures, tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, etc.) are additionally provided in separate files attached to the author's electronic folder. All figures are published in black and white.
Requirements for the review: The recommended length of the review is 1-1.5 pages of text in Word). The text font is Times New Roman (12 point font, line spacing is 1.5).
О чем писать в рецензии
Problematic. The article considers the solution to the problem posed, defines it, suggests ways of solving it.
Relevance. The topic of the article should be relevant and interesting to the scientific community, have prospects for further research.
Scientificity. The author of the article should consider the scientific aspects of the topic under study, even if it has only applied value.
Novelty. The results presented by the author of the paper should have scientific novelty.
Completeness. The text should begin with the statement of the problem and end with its solution, which should be reliable.
Justification. The results presented by the author should be justified using scientific tools. These can be mathematical conclusions, experiment, mathematical modelling. Only in this case the results will be considered reliable.
Structured. У научной статьи должна быть четкая структура — общепринятые в научных публикациях разделы, в который говорится об актуальности темы, приводится анализ состояния вопроса, определяется и ставится задача, приводится методика исследования, описываются результаты, обсуждается практическое использование результатов, делаются выводы.
Clarity of wording. The results obtained during the work should be formulated in the form of scientific statements.
Comprehensibility. The article should be written in a language understandable to the average specialist in the chosen field. The author should use commonly used terms.
Compactness. The article must meet the length requirement.
It is not allowed to submit papers that are printed in other publications.
If additional fonts are used when typing the article, such fonts should be submitted to the editorial office in the author's electronic folder.
Page numbering is continuous, from page 1, bottom centre.
Only one source may be cited under one number.
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